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  • Tags: Fair Board

1986 fair board.jpg
scan of color photo of the Scioto County Fair Board in 1986. Front row- left to right: John Jordan; L. W. Burns, Secretary-Treasurer; Merrill L. Rowe; Joseph Ramsey, President. Second row: William Diller; Joseph Brisker; Gale Gillette; Eugene Risner.…

1986 fair bd.jpg
scan of color photo of the Scioto County Fair Board in 1986. Front row- left to right: John Jordan; L. W. Burns, Secretary-Treasurer; Merrill L. Rowe; Joseph Ramsey, President. Second row: William Diller; Joseph Brisker; Gale Gillette; Eugene Risner.…

4H + Fair Board letter July 12, 1978.jpg
scan of form for 4H clubs that wish to help cleanup during the Scioto County Fair. Form is on light blue paper with black ink. There are lines to sign and fill out at bottom. Signed by Randall K. Rucker, 4H County Extension Agent.
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