McKinley School-Students of the 5th grade class. Written on back: 5th grade-1933
Teacher-Amy Ralstin
Front Row: Paul Gilmer, Don Basp, Brant Appel, Jim Knost, Oron Gleim, Raymond Voiers, Philip Spence, Scott Bouldin, Bob Tucker, George…
McKinley School-Students of the 6th grade class. Written on back: 6th grade-1934
Teacher: Nellie Nisonger
Jim Harsha, Ralph Suleainger, Brant Appel, Jim Knost, Bob Tucker, Scott Bouldin, Philip Spence, James Morris, Melvin Daler.
2nd Row: Jean…
Reprinted, sepia-toned photo of the Girls Basketball team in 1934. Only 4 named. Row 1 - 4th from left Charlotte McLaughlin, Geneva Buckle, and Violet Canary. Row 2 - only 3rd from left; Lillian Johnson.
Portsmouth Times clipping of Sciotoville football team members: (Front L-R) Homer Phillips, Clarence Evans, Scratch Burns, Lyle Rowe, Charles Martin, Earl Werline, Paul Cook, Allen Duffy and Wayne Ketter. (Middle L-R) Lou Chaboudy, Jiggs Arthur, Ott…