Browse Items (21077 total)

scan of black and white photo of a streetcar in 1936

steer show.jpg
scan of two black and white photos from the Scioto County Fair 4-H Steer Feeding Show, with typed text. Ohio Governor Frank J. Lausche presented the awards to the winners. Upper photo: left to right, William Butcher, Dean Sturm, Governor and Frank…

show 1982.jpg
scan of color photo of a show at the Grandstands of the Scioto County Fair in 1982.

Sept 7, 1978.jpg
scan of letter from the FFA Association to the Scioto County Fair Board, asking them to help them celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary

S. Co. Fair Board + Agri. Soc. Mtg Oct. 29, 1982.jpg
scan of a newspaper article detailing a meeting with the Scioto County Fair Board and the Agricultural Society for October 29, 1982

rules + reg for merc space tenants.jpg
scan of a typed page detailing the rules and regulations for Mercantile and Space Tenants

r p overturf aug 1966 Ag soc pres emeritus.jpg
scan of black and white photo of R. P. Overturf, Agricultural Society President, Emeritus with award in August of 1966

r p overturf 1966.jpg
scan of black and white photo of R. P. Overturf, Agricultural Society President Emeritus receiving an award.

Roy Rogers at fair August 1959.jpg
scan of a newspaper article about Roy Rogers at the Scioto County Fair in August of 1959

roy rogers 1959.jpg
scan of black and white photo of Roy Rogers at the Scioto County Fair in 1959.

rodeo 1970s fair member.jpg
scan of black and white photo of members of the Rodeo at the Fair in the 1970's

rick fenton aug 12 68.jpg
scan of black and white photo image of Rick Fenton at the Scioto County Fair on August 12, 1968
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