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Cabinet card portrait photograph.
On back-"A.A. Lambring, To Mary Donahoe".

Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white image of A.B. Alger and a cutout of information for A.D. Campbell, MD., 257 East 4th

Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white program the 1890 Portsmouth High School Commencement Exercises at the Grand Opera house; photos of A.B. Cole and Fred Gramm; and cutouts of advertisements for C.P.…

Sepia tone cabinet card portrait photograph of A. I. & Lizzie Hurth, cousins of Albert Reitz.


Scanned unnumbered page from Henry A. Lorberg scrapbook containing black & white images depicting A. J. Fuller; Godey Fashion of July, 1870; and Portsmouth Wagon Stock Works.

Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 59. A.S. Miller; Jacob Miller; Life Boat (1851); Omaha Paper; Jefferson Street; Washingtonians; Good Templars; W.P. Church; Fifth (5th) Street

Black and white photo negative of the AAA Agency located at 710 Waller Street. Closed at this location in 2003 for the new high school, moved to Twelfth (12th) Street.

Color photo of the side of AAA building on 710 Waller Street

Color photo of horse head architectural detail on fence outside of the AAA office at 710 Waller Street

Oval shaped metal key chain fob distributed by the Automobile Club of Southern Ohio in Portsmouth in observance of their 50th year, 1917 - 1957. Postage is guaranteed if found keys are dropped in into a mailbox.
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