aged, off-white invoice to Adams Baking Company from the Pure Oil Company at 10th (Tenth) and Court Streets. Black and red print with penciled writing.
aged, tan in color, paper sales receipt to A. N. Adams for pipe & tobacco and cream, black print with penciled writing. Business located at the northwest corner of eleventh (11th) and Offnere Streets.
color-illustrated invitation card, black print with orange pumpkins, one dressed as a scarecrow. Some green used. Handwriting in black ink, Margaret Bolan written at bottom.
green paper folded for bulletin; decorative font and illustration on front with time, date, and location. Inside black font list of members, program, and menu.
green heavy paper with green print. Tri-fold program lists title, date. time, location, subject, and program. Scioto County Medical Society members/officers listed.