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This corner building has had several street addresses: 202/204/206/208 Market Street, 501/502 2nd (Second) Street.
Scioto County Auditor records year built as 1850.
1853-1922 Brunner's Dry Goods, 1853.
1924-1929 Moore's Dry Goods (W.A. Moore & G.…

1956-2014+ Market Street Hardware. Scioto County Auditor record of year built-1850.
1952-1956 Blankenship's Hardware Store
1947 Chester E. Pollitt, hardware store.
1941 Ralph E. Mauntel, lunch room/restaurant.
1935-1910 J.J. Orlett & Son…

Helen's Bakery, Scioto County Auditor record of year built-1870.
In 1899, was owned by J.P. Montavon.
About 1907, the original bakery was started by August Knockle, a German immigrant. He ran the bakery until 1927 , and Barbour Counts bought the…

Scioto County Auditor year built-1870. A butcher shop/meat market from the 1870s until 2001. Originally Adam Giesler's Meat Market until about 1950. From 1952-2001, Herrmann's Meat Company/Herrmann's & Sons. Since 2002, the building has housed…

Commercial businesses occupied the space from about 1875-2003.
From about 1875-1928 there were a series of barber shops at the address.
About 1928 the Kroger Grocery & Baking Company built more space and moved in for business. Kroger occupied the…

Private residence built about 1900 according to the Scioto County Auditor. Address before 1911 was 158 W 3rd Street.

Private residence. Built about 1900 according to the Scioto County Auditor. A blacksmith shop from about 1916-1924.

Private residence. Built about 1900 according the the Scioto County Auditor.

Private residence. Built about 1909 according the the Scioto County Auditor. Address before 1911 was 121 W 3rd Street. Original owners Augustus & Ottilia Bazler.

Private residence. House built about 1924.

Private residence. House built about 1924.

Private residence built after 1920. Before 1920, the location was a blacksmith shop.
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