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According to the Scioto County Auditor, this building was built in 1870. From 1918 to the late 1970's the building was Cameo Restaurant. From 1979 to 2013, it was Reynolds & Company. In 2013, the company merged with another one, and it became HD…


Throughout the early 1900's this building was used for various different purposes from a restaurant to a gunsmith to a wallpaper company. In 1952, it found its niche. It became B & B Portsmouth Inc. Pawn Brokers. It remains this today.


According to the Scioto County Auditor, this building was built in 1921. From 1926 onward it has always house furniture companies. In 1966, it became the home of Covert's Furniture Company. It remains this today.


According to the Scioto County Auditor, this building was built in 1900. From around 1914 to 1977, this building was the Security Central National Bank of Portsmouth. In 1978, it became the Southern Ohio Museum and Cultural Center. It remains this…

From 1922 to 1925 this building was the Portsmouth Auto Supply Company. From 1928 to 1944 the building was used for various retail stores. From 1993 to 2001 it was the Portsmouth Eagles Club and Aerie. In 2005 it became Richard Noggins Restaurant.…

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From the early 1900's to around the earl 1930's this building was Joseph Brown Clothing. In 1939 it became Nan L. Murphy Women's Clothing. From 1964 to around 2005 it was The Record Shop.

Anchor cemented into sidewalk in front of 627 Front Street

Beaumont Electric Supply. Located on corner of Court and Front Streets.

Beaumont Electric Supply. Located on corner of Court and Front Streets.
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