An off-white with green outline and accents lid for creamed cottage cheese from Shultz's Dairy in Lucasville, Scioto County, Ohio. Text at the bottom says "Authority of Scioto Co. Health Dept."
A colored lid for creamed cottage cheese from Shultz's Dairy in Lucasville, Scioto County, Ohio. A woman outlined in a trail of flowers, background is green, the outer part is striped red and off white.
Black hat with gold accents that says "Ohio, E Plurbus Unum" on the Gold Eagle. This hat belonged to Albert Harold Dehner (1914-1989) of Portsmouth, Ohio who attended the Ohio State University and was in the Band.
A cardboard holiday Marting's gift box with red, green, and white Christmas wreath design all over the lid and box itself with 'Marting's' etched in gold on the inside. "SB, $4.50" is written in pencil inside.
Bronze metal letter opener with 'The Dove Quality Line Portsmouth, Ohio' engraved with a unique design. The Dove Hat Co. was first known as the Portsmouth Hat Company and was established in 1892. Located at 124 West 2nd St (Second St) in the Houston…