Portsmouth East High School Class of 1964

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Portsmouth East High School Class of 1964


Black and white portrait images in oval frames with names, banner with school and date.
Names listed left to right:
Row 1: Vickie Watts, Bob Taylor, Sue Ogg, David Shields, Carolyn Neff, Douglas Spradlin, Linda Wood, David Nelson, Linda Williams, Gene Warren, Birdie Warren, Phillip Turner, Emily Varner
Row 2: Rebecca Morris, Rodney Payne, Janice Moore, James McCleese, David Maywood, Patrice Powell, Charles Ruley, Sue Roney,
Row 3: Charles Howell, Mary Lockhart, Joe Knapp, Marilyn Martin, Barbara Lewis, David Novitz, June Hartiage, Judy Basham, Donna Mullins, Richard Kinker, Barbara Smith, John Little
Row 4: Diane Cooper, Patsy Jones, Charles Horton, Andrea Webb, Judy Wadkins, Michael Walker, Donna Marsh, Dale Morgan, Teryll Cropper, Bill Hafer, Pat Chamberlin,
Row 5: Brenda Fultz, Larry Dole, Betty Haynes, Donna Hieneman, Herbert Cole, Paula Lykins, Phillip Houck, Jo Ellen Hughes, Paul Campbell, Diane Hawes, David Brockett, Jean Hensley
Row 6: James Cunningham, Teresa Deamicis, Joy Evans, John Ashworth, Sharon Moon, Donna McKenzie, Joseph Davisson, Sara Christopher, Roger Conley, Kay Eichenlaub, Opal Coriell, Jeffrey Brant
Row 7: Ellen Brewer, Rebecca Bauer, Amber Bauer, Donald Bailey, Connie Covey, Karen Neff, Sharon Church, Larry Coey, Ardenna Conley, Carolyn Armbrister, Thomas Johnson, Sharon Cauley, Evertt Bennett
Row 8: Jean Beasley, Wilma Bayes, Kay Mckelvey, Richard Evans, Leslie Keene, Violet Cook, Patricia Reed, John Stevenson, Elsie Bradshaw, Barbara McClintic, Jerry Burleson, Sharon Leslie, Bruce Hatfield


Martings (Portraits by Martings)




35.6 x 27.8 cm photo


Sciotoville, Scioto County, Ohio


Scioto County Public Library


Martings (Portraits by Martings) , “Portsmouth East High School Class of 1964 ,” Local History Digital Collection, accessed January 10, 2025, https://yourppl.org/history/items/show/25572.

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