Lindsay School 1935
Lindsay School 1935
Lindsay School Students 1935
Black and white group photo of Lindsay School Students in 1935.
Lindsay School 1935- Teacher Helen Held
1 Row left to Right
1. Billie Lewis 2. Catherine Angle 3. blank 4. Joan Bahner 5. Ada Elizabeth Burns
6. Jim Bussy 7. Emerson Ruth
8. Floyd See 9. Edwin Ruth 10. Raymond Kemper
11. Lowell Andrew 12. Helen Williams 13. Joe Goldsbury
14. ?
2 Row Left to Right
1. blank 2. Jordan 3. Mary Thomas 4. Helen Chapman
5. Helen Wood 6. Alice Hehl 7. Jean Williams
8. Carl Poland 9. Tom Urban 10. D. Smith 11. ?
12. Don Lesburg 13. Frank Kurk 14. Charles Hurst
3 Row
1. David C. 2. ? 3. Joe Eggers 4. Jean Smith 5. Od Walburn
6. Ada Howard 7. Mollie Oakley 8. ? 9. Gene Myers
10. Brady 11. Dana Smith 12. ? 13. Tom Jenkins
Lindsay School 1935- Teacher Helen Held
1 Row left to Right
1. Billie Lewis 2. Catherine Angle 3. blank 4. Joan Bahner 5. Ada Elizabeth Burns
6. Jim Bussy 7. Emerson Ruth
8. Floyd See 9. Edwin Ruth 10. Raymond Kemper
11. Lowell Andrew 12. Helen Williams 13. Joe Goldsbury
14. ?
2 Row Left to Right
1. blank 2. Jordan 3. Mary Thomas 4. Helen Chapman
5. Helen Wood 6. Alice Hehl 7. Jean Williams
8. Carl Poland 9. Tom Urban 10. D. Smith 11. ?
12. Don Lesburg 13. Frank Kurk 14. Charles Hurst
3 Row
1. David C. 2. ? 3. Joe Eggers 4. Jean Smith 5. Od Walburn
6. Ada Howard 7. Mollie Oakley 8. ? 9. Gene Myers
10. Brady 11. Dana Smith 12. ? 13. Tom Jenkins
Lindsay school
20.32 x 27.94 cm black and white photo
Sciotoville, Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio
Scioto County Public Library
Unknown, “Lindsay School 1935,” Local History Digital Collection, accessed January 15, 2025,