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  • Collection: Donations

Black and white photograph of the Classic Bowling Lanes at 823
Chillicothe Street. It was razed in about 1976.

This is a diploma from Clay High School for Lucinda L. Long. Clay High School is located in Scioto County, Ohio. The date on the diploma is May 21, 1967. It was signed by President, County Board of Education, County Superintendent, President, Board…

Black & white group photograph.

Black and white souvenir booklet containing photos, brief history, Administration, Faculty, and ads. Cardstock-like cover with "sleek pages", 14 pages.

Color photo image of 7-8 grade class at Clay Jr. High. On back are some student names but not according to position. "favorite girl", "favorite boy", "prettiest girl", etc. categories. Doug Lowe in 7th grade. Inside cardboard frame.

Black and white photograph.
Patsy's Inn-1016 Clay Street
Kaboobie's Bar-1018 Clay Street
Vacant 1020-Clay Street

Black & white photograph.The building was located in Rubyville, Ohio, at the corner of Feurt Hill Rd & Route 139. Originally Clay High School. The first graduating class, 1940. The building became Rubyville Elementary when a new Clay High School…

Black and white group class photo of Fourth Grade. Only one identified: Cindy Long - front row (L-R) last one.

Black and white group class photo of grade 5. Only identified - Cindy Long front row; first on left.

Black and white photo of Clifton (Bud) Yeager


Small black & white photograph.
Written on back: Clyde holding Everett. Jr. Hinkley & sister.

Color photograph.
Written on back: this is the rock roadway at the village of Alexandria, the first village of Portsmouth until 1803. It was then moved to what is now Portsmouth, Ohio.


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