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  • Collection: Donations

Black and white photo image of Lellion. On back: "Billie Ashley's son (Lellion)."

Color print page in center of Bible.
Births:Thomas Thearl Parsons, May 2, 1910
Hazel Gillam Parsons, Dec. 29, 1906
Charles Verle Parsons, Oct. 10, 1921
Cheryl Lynn Parsons, May 29, 195_

Black + white photo of Paul Mathews and Charles Fannin fingerprinting a child on June 30, 1986

Photo image of aged blank receipt from the Orient Encampment No. 26
of the I. O. O. F.

Color photo image of the July 30, 1998 Board Meeting-noted: Kristen Rink.

Color photo image of auxiliary board members at meeting at Harold's Restaraunt. Names" Bell, Martin, Marchyn, Neff, Morehead, Gegas, and Melior.

Colored photo of boats and people boating in the Ohio river during a nice sunny day. Could be during River Days. Old US Grant Bridge in photo background.

Colored photo of boats lining up on the river banks before the boat races during Portsmouth River Days. Old US Grant Bridge in photo background.

Black and white photo image of Bob Rinehart, Aunt Gerry's son.

Black and white photo image of Bob Rinehart and Jean Hartnett. Photo has serrated edges.

Black and white photo image of Aunt Gerry's son, Bob Rinehart and his wife in front of house.

Black and white photo of Bob Rinehart's wife and their son. Photo has serrated edges.
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