Browse Items (1024 total)

  • Collection: Anonymous Donations/Acquisitions

Off-white paper receipt for property taxes, treasurers office, fifth ward. Signatures in ink: A.T. Holcomb, Trustee, C.J. Moulton, M.B. Wells, Treasurer and S.G. Harper, Deputy Treasurer.

Orange card with black print and handwritten with black and blue ink. Grades for Virginia L. Charles, 4th Grade with parent signature. Otway Public School.

Black & white group photo of the county teachers on the steps of the "new" Glenwood High School Auditorium in 1921. Some water damage to the mat board.

Aged, cream colored cardstock invitation to the dedication of Scioto Memorial Hospital. Black font with date and location. Tape residue on sides.

Colorized photo image of the Scudder School located at 411 Court Street.

Black and white photo image of Second (2nd) Street crossing Chillicothe Street. At the upper right the building with a bell tower on the roof is the Second (2nd) Street School built in 1850. In 1917 it was torn down and replaced by Massie School. …

Yellow paper bank check to Taylor Mitchell to purchase a car. Signed Fred Charles.

Aged, typed papers; two dates, partial issues.

aged, off-white paper page from unknown magazine, printed in 1939. Advertisement is black print, shoe illustrations and woman model. Lists locations and copyright date in lower left corner.

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Black & white photo of employees

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Magazine page; white with black print and yellow designs. Photo of the Selby Stud trailer and information on Selby included in the Goodrich Ad.

Yellow-aged Selby's poster with illustrations of shoes and shoe parts.
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