Browse Items (1024 total)

  • Collection: Anonymous Donations/Acquisitions

aged, tan with damage, envelope to Alan Adams, 1007 Offnere (typewritten). Black and red ink with red stamp (2¢). Torn on right side.

aged, tan in color, with water damage paper receipt stub (perforated) to Adams Bakery, New Boston. Black print with typed customer name.

aged, tan in color, with water damage paper bank note for A. W. Adams (Adams Bakery). Black print, handwritten black ink.

color-illustrated invitation card, black print with orange pumpkins, one dressed as a scarecrow. Some green used. Handwriting in black ink, Margaret Bolan written at bottom.

aged, tan in color, advertising card for Peel Storage Company,
623 Second (2nd) Street.

aged, off-white invoice to Adams Baking Company from the Pure Oil Company at 10th (Tenth) and Court Streets. Black and red print with penciled writing.

aged, off white paper check from the Adams Brothers Bakery to the Portsmouth Telephone Company. Processed through the Portsmouth Banking Company.

Aged, off-white paper receipt with some water damage. Black and red print, typed to customer: Adams Bros., 1007 Offnere Street. Receipt for telephone rental.

aged-yellowed form letter soliciting for the Republican nomination of Harry M. Daugherty for U. S. Senator from Ohio. Officers and committee members listed. Black print-club letterhead.

color cardboard ice window delivery sign indicating 25, 60, 75, or 100 pounds. Hung in windows for ice delivery drivers. Customers would hang the amount they wanted by the hole. Business located at 1641 Tenth (10th) Street, Portsmouth. Ice…

color image advertisement card for McClurg Insurance, 3840 Gallia Street, New Boston. Color photo of telephone operator. Black print of name, address, phone. "Printed in USA" in lower left corner. Lower right corner torn off.

color polaroid photo image of the reunion picturing Frank Venturino and others (unknown).
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