Browse Items (375 total)

  • Collection: Donations from the Scioto County Medical Society by Mrs. Grace Martin

Black and white photo image of the nurses at the Portsmouth General Hospital in December of 1947.

Black and white photo image of a nurse with a newborn baby at the Portsmouth General Hospital. Nurse looks to be attempting to stamp the baby's foot print onto a page.

Off-white paper guest check with black print, penciled numbers, and ink script indicating payment. (For luncheon)

Black and white photo image of five nurses from Portsmouth who graduated in 1912 in a Minnesota nursing program. The Women's Auxiliary honored the five nurses in 1972, for 50 years of service.

yellow paper carbon copy of the contract agreement between the Agricultural Society at the fairgrounds and the Medical Society to display space. Blue print form 303 with carbon blue handwriting.

Color photo image of Rachel Marchyn and JoAnn Lee.

Color photo image of Dr. Ramon Malaya (left), an unidentified woman (middle), and Dr. Hector Soto (right).

Colorized photo image of the reception for Dee Talmage at the home of Rachel Marchyn. Pictured: (L-R) Hope V., Dee Talmage, Grace Martin, Ann Johnson, Leona Payne, Sue Massie (Ironton), Joann Lee, and Rachel Marchyn.

Yellow cardstock-like card with green leaves as watermark, gold lines on top and bottom, red and black print with green ink signatures. In recognition of loyal service to 1949 Red Cross fund to Mrs. G. E. Obrist.

black and white photo of the Red Cross bloodmobile during a Portsmouth visit to the hospital. During this time period, the regional Red Cross bloodmobile location was Huntington, West Virginia.

Black and white photo image of two children delivered by local doctors and nurses: Renee Suner, 9 months
Shane Suner, 2 years.

Color photo image of Dr. Richard Villarreal with his wife, Hope, and Dr. Louis Chaboudy with his wife, Mercedes.
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