Contact Us

If you are unable to reach us by telephone, please use the form below to contact the appropriate department. We typically respond to messages within 24 hours, if possible. Click here to view all library locations and hours.

Feedback Form
Thank you for your interest in Scioto County, Ohio genealogy. To help us process your request for information quickly, please follow these guidelines:

  • Ask a short, specific question.
  • Include: full names, dates, and residences of the ancestor(s) you are seeking.
  • There is a charge of 25¢ per page ($1 minimum) for copies. We will send a bill with the copies, payable upon receipt.
  • Please keep in mind that we are located in Ohio, and our historical collection is focused on information from Ohio and some surrounding states.
  • Self-Service Support

    Self-service support is available through extensive and user-friendly FAQ and other written help that is accessible through the OverDrive Digital Downloads website help pages.

    Please indicate your home library and/or preferred location to pick up materials.
    Ask a Reference Question
    Use this form to submit simple or factual questions (for example, "What is the capital of Peru?") to our information staff. We will try to send an answer within 12–24 business hours.

    For difficult or detailed questions (for example, "How do I find information about the environment?") or for a quicker response, consider using our KnowItNow chat-based reference service.

    Tell us about your suggestion. Use the message field to let us know why you think we should add the item to our collection.