ARTICLE VI – Records Availability

The Scioto County Public Library’s Records Custodian is Paige Williams, Director. The Record Custodian can be contacted for any public record questions or requests. The Record Custodian can be reached via phone at (740) 353-5990 or via email at

Section 1 Records Availability:

All documents, which are defined as public records by Section 149.43 of the Ohio Revised Code, and not specifically excluded from disclosure, shall be available for review and inspection by any person upon request to the Director. The Library reserves the right to have all such requests reviewed by legal counsel before making the records available.

Documents must be examined in the appropriate offices, in the presence of the appropriate official or his/her designee, during the official’s normal working hours. Requestors may obtain copies of records at a cost of twenty-five cents ($.25) per page or at a cost of three dollars ($3.00) per page for certified copies. Advance payment for all copies and postage shall be required. All copies shall be made available, mailed or by any other means of delivery or transmission, within a reasonable period of time after a request.

Any denial of requested public records will include an explanation, including legal authority. If portions of a record are public and portions are exempt, the exempt portions will be redacted and the rest released as required by law.

ARTICLE VII – Section 1 – Disposal of Public Records:

As set forth in Section 149.411 of the Ohio Revised Code, a records commission comprised of all members of the Board of Trustees and the Library’s Fiscal Officer shall meet at least once each calendar year. The records commission shall be responsible for overseeing the Library’s compliance with the Ohio Records Law as defined in Chapter 149 of the Ohio Revised Code.