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Photo image of the headstone of Agnes Parker in Scioto Burial Park located in Scioto County.

Agr. Soc. membership 1985.jpg
scan of advertisement for membership in the Scioto County Agricultural Society, composed by L. W. Burns, Secretary.

Agr. Soc. plaque.jpg
scan of black and white photo of a plaque for the Scioto County Agricultural Society in 1983.
Don Stockham: President
Joseph Ramsey and Charles Emnett: both Vice Presidents
L. William Burns: Secretary-Treasurer

1983 Agr. Soc..jpg
scan of black and white photo of members of the Scioto County Agricultural Society standing beside the 1983 plaque. Pictured (L-R) unknown, L. W. Burns, Don Stockham, Charles Emnett, and Joseph Ramsey.

Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 4. Air Plane View (1929); The Scenery Hereabout is as Fair and Beautiful as Any Famed in Song or Story; Corporation of Portsmouth (1837); Early Home of Judge Bannon

Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 4. Air Plane View (1929); The Scenery Hereabout is as Fair and Beautiful as Any Famed in Song or Story; Corporation of Portsmouth (1837); Early Home of Judge Bannon

Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: Air Plane View of Portsmouth, 1929, population 60,000: "The scenery is as fair and beautiful as any famed in song or story; early currency

Color photo of Portsmouth from air


Aged-white page from booklet of the Department of Commerce depicting the map location of the airport on front and description on back.

Black & white photograph.


Black & white photograph in Barber Family scrapbook. pictured, "Al & Roger".
Location: Borden's Modern Dairy Company at 237-239 Second (2nd) Street, Portsmouth, Ohio


Sepia toned photo images of Al Doerr and Charles Doerr. Pasted in scrapbook . Page scanned.
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