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Agr. Soc. plaque.jpg
scan of black and white photo of a plaque for the Scioto County Agricultural Society in 1983.
Don Stockham: President
Joseph Ramsey and Charles Emnett: both Vice Presidents
L. William Burns: Secretary-Treasurer

1983 Agr. Soc..jpg
scan of black and white photo of members of the Scioto County Agricultural Society standing beside the 1983 plaque. Pictured (L-R) unknown, L. W. Burns, Don Stockham, Charles Emnett, and Joseph Ramsey.

Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 4. Air Plane View (1929); The Scenery Hereabout is as Fair and Beautiful as Any Famed in Song or Story; Corporation of Portsmouth (1837); Early Home of Judge Bannon

Photo image of scanned scrapbook page 4. Air Plane View (1929); The Scenery Hereabout is as Fair and Beautiful as Any Famed in Song or Story; Corporation of Portsmouth (1837); Early Home of Judge Bannon

Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: Air Plane View of Portsmouth, 1929, population 60,000: "The scenery is as fair and beautiful as any famed in song or story; early currency

Color photo of Portsmouth from air


Aged-white page from booklet of the Department of Commerce depicting the map location of the airport on front and description on back.

Black & white photograph.


Black & white photograph in Barber Family scrapbook. pictured, "Al & Roger".
Location: Borden's Modern Dairy Company at 237-239 Second (2nd) Street, Portsmouth, Ohio


Sepia toned photo images of Al Doerr and Charles Doerr. Pasted in scrapbook . Page scanned.

Photo image of scanned scrapbook page. Pictured: Al Evans; Scioto County's Firsts; Classroom Full of

Photo image of Al Morrison; Charles C. Bode; Caleb Wick; George M. Osborn; Business Advertisements; Programs for the Music Festival
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