Browse Items (20359 total)

Aged brown/tan receipt with purple ink. Separate handwriting to indicate items purchased

Sepia-tone photo image of 6 nurses of the class of 1928. Names included underneath each image; Pauline Wiehle, Henrietta Price, Lucile Kitley, Wilma McCormick, Margaret Rowson and Phoebe Wilking.
Photo matted.

Off-white, aged paper page in a booklet for the Women's Auxiliary account at Security Central. Black and blue ink numbers and cursive writing. Black print of bank at top of page.

Aged, off-white paper page from a bankbook at Security Central National Bank with reference to the bank account.
Black print of the notice (policy) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Seal.

Dark-red leather, embossed bank book with account for the Women's Auxiliary to Hempstead Academy of Medicine (Scioto County Medical Society).

White paper statement from Evans Floral at 6804 Gallia Street. Red roses graphic in upper left, green print and type written customer information.

Aged-white paper statement from Herms Floral to "Medical Auxiliary of Scioto Trail." Black print, graphics and type written . Location: 837 Sixth (6th) Street.

White paper letterhead from Tilene's Women's Fashions. Green graphic and greet type. Women's Fashions was located at Gallia and Gay Streets, and it provided fashion shows.

White paper receipt with a black graphic letterhead, black print with black type for customer information.

Black and white photo image of the General Hospital Nurses Training Commencement of June 6, 1948. Pictured: Miss Sylvia Waddell, Miss Oline Shields, Miss Betty Bell (Mrs. Abbott), Miss Helen Clark, Miss Sarah Penn, Miss Mary McClain, Miss Helen…

Black and white photo image of the General Hospital Nurses Training Commencement on June 6, 1948. Pictured: 9 nurses and 2 instructors.

Black and white photo image of the Scioto County Medical Society, Portsmouth, Ohio: Guests of Eli Lilly Company on June 15, 16, and 17, 1983.
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