Sepia toned photo image of people at the front of the Holy Redeemer Church at 1325 Gallia Street. The Holy Redeemer church was founded a need arose for the separation of English and German-speaking congregations. In 1853 the Irish congregation built…
Sepia toned image of the crowd at the entrance of Holy Redeemer Church at 1325 Gallia Street. The Holy Redeemer church was founded when a need arose for the separation of English and German-speaking congregations. In 1853 the Irish Catholic…
Sepia toned image of a large group gathered at the front of Holy Redeemer Church. The Holy Redeemer church was founded when a need arose for the separation on English and German-speaking congregations. In 1853 the Irish Catholic congregation built…
Image of the Sixth (6th) Street M. E. Church on a faded pink background, located on Sixth (6th) Street. The church was started in 1853, and this building was razed in 1927.
Colorized image of a mill in pink hues with a smaller inset faded image of the Trinity M. E. Church located at the corner of Gallia and Offnere Streets. On July 16, 1983 the Trinity Church united with the Bigelow United Methodist Church. Members of…
Colorized image of some holly with a smaller faded image of the Trinity M. E. Church located at the corner of Gallia and Offnere Streets. On July 16, 1983 the Trinity Church united with the Bigelow United Methodist Church. Members of both churches…
Black and white image of the first Bigelow Church. It was built in 1834 by C. C. Hyatt. It was located at 342 Second (2nd) Street. Reverend George Crum was the first pastor.